I hope to make time soon to describe my iTunes, iPhone and podcast "flow" and the AppleScripts I use to help streamline that. But for now, I'm going to list the AppleScripts I restored from my Time Machine backup into my /Users/darylspitzer/Library/Scripts/Applications folder.
Here are my iTunes AppleScripts:
- Disable Selected Tracks: I deselect tracks (often as part of a multiple selection) so frequently that I've assigned this to ⌘0.
- Go To 0 Spoken Word for iPhone: There are certainly playlists I work with so frequently that it's handy to have a keyboard shortcut to go to. To go to "0 Spoken Word for iPhone" I use ⌥⌘0.
- Go To New Podcasts for iPhone: "New Podcasts for iPhone" is probably the playlist I look at second most often (after the above), so I use ⌥⌘1.
- Go To Music: ⌥⌘m takes me to my Music library.
- Selected Tracks to "Spoken Word for iPhone": I typically select podcasts in my "New Podcasts for iPhone" playlist (I'll have to blog later on how I set that up) and then use ⌘1 to invoke this script.
- Selected Tracks to "Spoken Word for Slow Listening": Most podcasts work for me to listen at 2x, but some (like those with music commentary, or the reading of fiction) don't. I use ⌘2 to add them to the "Spoken Word for Slow Listening" playlist.
- Update All Podcasts: It's very annoying that I can't right-click on "Podcasts" (under "LIBRARY") in iTunes and select "Update", like I can right-click on my iPhone and select "Sync". But with this script, I can press F5 anytime I want to update my podcasts.
The only other AppleScripts I use frequently enough to associate with a keyboard shortcut is for the Finder:
- Terminal At Selection: This will open Terminal (or iTerm, as I prefer) and cd to the directory containing the selected file.